Babbit bearing install

......when you need to get in the weeds.
Ron Stauffer
Posts: 511
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Re: Babbit bearing install

Post by Ron Stauffer »

Snout ring has an OD of 2.68. NI55 rod to build up as it is easily machined with a grinder and the rod is cheaper than NI99.

The shaft OD where the small gears rides is 1.06. Likely someone has blunted the shaft end to remove the gears? Check ID of gears and OD of shaft where gears seat and the OD at the very end of shaft. You can use more than sandpaper at the very end to get the gears on as that is not their final resting spot. If you are not using a matched set of small gears, make sure they are timed with the key the same.

The key goes in after the hub and shaft are in the whole way. Key is inserted thru the threaded plug access at the far end of the case in 3 oclock when facing the access. And you have indexed the small gears so that you are sure they are in alignment. The key should have to be driven in with some resistance. We drive in using a .75 rod and hammer until flush with shaft end and then finish with 1/4" drive punch. A plastic bar clamp between the hub and the hoop base will keep the hub and shaft from moving.

All measurements given are within windmill tolerances.

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Re: Babbit bearing install

Post by Adobejoe »

Ron, Thanks very much for the information. I have a friend with a stick welder so will try to find that rod.

Posts: 17
Joined: Sat Dec 04, 2021 9:08 am
Location: Cody Wyoming

Re: Babbit bearing install

Post by Adobejoe »

I tried a local wedding shop on the NI55 and he looked at me with a blank stare.not many welders work cast iron but I will keep looking. McMaster car had it 1/2 lb min
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