MOD 8 Restoration

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MOD 8 Restoration

Post by MOD 8 »

I am new to the forum and in the process of restoring what I believe is a Heller Aller MOD 8 windmill. I have been maintaining this mill for the past 25 years as it it on a family farm that I grew up on. The windmill was functional prior to removal but was showing signs of wear. It began requiring more maintenance than it did 25 years ago and needed to be freshened up. Hopefully it will be a functional windmill again, used for pumping water as it is complete with a pump, well, etc. I have already began working on the gear box and will post photos soon to this thread but for now here are some pics before I got started. I did post a thread in the introduction section and some have pointed out that the wheel is not a Heller Aller, but not exactly sure on what mill the wheel is from.
Any replies appreciated,
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Windcatcher530 Dan
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Re: MOD 8 Restoration

Post by Windcatcher530 Dan »

Welcome to the forum Jared. I believe that is a Heller Aller wheel for a couple of reasons. The sail ties are definitely Heller Aller and towards the end of their production years i was told they came out with a wheel with less and wider sails.
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