New guy
New guy
Hello everyone, new guy here. I wasnt aware of this forum until speaking with some of you at the Nebraska City trade fair this year. It was great to meet those I did and to network with you. Ive been working on my first windmill prior to the trade fair which is a Woodmanse open gear, when i came across a Woodmanse oil bath to add to the fun. Thank you to all who put on the trade fair, this forum, the Gazette, and keep the windmill history preserved. The Eli museum, was very neat, the trade fair location seemed to work well, and the lied lodge with all it had to offer made things very enjoyable for my family. I appreciate the opportunity to join this forum with you and i look forward to future discussions.
Re: New guy
Good luck with the projects!
Call Dan Benjamin for parts. P M me for the phone number. IF YOU TALK TO HIM, AND HE HELPS YOU, THEN BUY FROM HIM. IT CREATES GOOD KARMA.
Re: New guy