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Re: Cold morning

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 5:23 pm
by windybob
Yes Ed, they have indeed gone south. I have already put my order in to ship it all back up north. I've had enough. lol I will do my part to see that your deficit is replenished.

Re: Cold morning

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 9:12 pm
by Kansas Rust Buzzard
-13 here last night, several areas lost power, lots of froze up pipes. Its not as cold as some places but there are not many places that gets to -25 in the winter and near 120 in the summer either! Not to mention one of the windiest places in the US. I always wonder how the American Indians survived all those winters on the treeless Plains?

Re: Cold morning

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 8:53 am
by windybob
It's brutal for much of the country. What really sucks is that the wind turbines that are supposed to add to the grid are frozen in places, now the rolling blackouts are on. Just when we need it most. :x Oh well, the landowners still get the 1,200 bucks a month for each one I guess. :? If they would only plant one in my back yard, I would move away from it, and retire. ;)

Re: Cold morning

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 8:59 am
by hedgerow
Pickup said minus 32 this A.M. A lot of records are being broken all over the country. Everyone take care and stay safe. Looks like it going to start breaking later in the week.

Re: Cold morning

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:32 am
by Wayne
We are supposed to have snow and ice come in here tonight after midnight on top of what we already have on the ground. I may stay off the roads until Friday at least. We've been blessed in our area haven't been without power at all. Temps are supposed to start moving up tomorrow after we get the dump.

Re: Cold morning

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:38 am
by windybob
A week from today, 60 degrees. Hurry up. :D

Re: Cold morning

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 8:14 am
by Wayne
Will I joined the water less herd last night. Had water at nine went to take a shower at ten and didn't. I figure the water co lost power to the pumps, something went wrong. I have enough bottled water for maybe 4 days, maybe tomorrow I can go into town, but I bet there won't be any bottled water in town. Going to start filling the tub with snow.

Re: Cold morning

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 8:21 am
by Jim Corcoran
We're in the same boat here. Finally got power back on and then yesterday no water. I saw the initial drop in pressure and filled the bathtub to have water to flush toilets. Fortunately we have plenty of bottled water so I am able to have my coffee this morning.
Stay safe.

Re: Cold morning

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 2:14 pm
by mtblah
New Braunfels not any better, another snow event today, in south Texas this is a 50 year event.
froze the water inlet pipe yesterday but hair dryer thawed, not frozen hard.
Yah, we all will be complaining in July & August about the heat !
Mike B

Re: Cold morning

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 7:29 am
by spring hill bill
After 60 years living on the gulf coast and doing hurricane preps ad infinitum, we always fill up the bathtubs prior to any kind of weather related event. Fortunately we have not lost power in this cold blast, but if we do we can at least flush the toilets. Our power was off for three weeks after hurricane Rita, so after that learning experience we try to always over - prepare.

My wife and I discussed yesterday what our grandparents would have done in this situation. Chances are they would have tossed some more wood into the fireplace and said "dang it's cold out there".