Looking for assistance in restoring a windmill
Re: Looking for assistance in restoring a windmill
Thank you Mike B. I am sure I will have many questions as I go through this process and I am so happy to have found this site with people that are willing to help. I am totally lost but dedicated to restoring this as a dedication to the town and to the family that owned it and established this town many years ago.
Re: Looking for assistance in restoring a windmill
There were Nebraska stub towers in Western Nebraska only about 10 ft tall. Easy to make and doesn't take much lumber.
Re: Looking for assistance in restoring a windmill
Here is a post that Walter make some time ago. Good for Challenge folks. It's the difference 'tween the 26 and 27.
https://www.vintagewindmillforum.com/vi ... f=29&t=490
https://www.vintagewindmillforum.com/vi ... f=29&t=490
Call Dan Benjamin for parts. P M me for the phone number. IF YOU TALK TO HIM, AND HE HELPS YOU, THEN BUY FROM HIM. IT CREATES GOOD KARMA.