How to ID an Axtell Windmill

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Kansas Rust Buzzard
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How to ID an Axtell Windmill

Post by Kansas Rust Buzzard »

I need some help guys, I have found a lot of Eclipse type mills in my life and to my knowledge, a top piston guide with the side oil pockets and a weight are the only Axtell mill parts I have come up with. I admit, this is not Axtell country and the only one of their mills I was around much was a roller bearing head. Now this is what my question is about, I was blowing up some photos I took in Lubbock of their Axtell farm sized mill and saw the "Type P" in the main frame casting of a babbit mill. I had always thought that was a later Fairbanks Morse because I took an original FM moon weight off one like that. So, Did Axtell copy the Fairbanks Type P part number or was the type P an Axtell instead of the FM? I have other Eclipse heads with original FM moons on them that do not say Type P so I am really puzzled, it seems the unmarked ones have a ridge along the sweeping curve under the snout. If there are any markings or other characteristics of an Axtell over anything else I can ID with, I would be very appreciative of any education you can give me. I did look at the old Windmill Gazette on Eclipse types and didn't really see anything obvious but hey, I am a vaneless man and not that informed on these.
Thank you in advance
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Re: How to ID an Axtell Windmill

Post by CTXmiller »

I can help on the Axtell Ever-Oiled models, but not the wooden wheeled Axtells. Steve Adams likely encounters more Axtell Standards than anyone I know.
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Re: How to ID an Axtell Windmill

Post by Wayne »

My understanding is that Axtell copied the Eclipse part numbers so if you had an Eclipse and needed parts they could supply them. I've also been told the only differences between most of the Eclipse copies and the original was what was or wasn't on the weight. I know someone who bought what they thought was an Axtell until they looked at the weight and it had nothing on it. As they said when it's 30 ft in the air who can tell. Except by reading whats on the vane.
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