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Monitor K

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 10:08 am
by Bootsy
I have a Monitor K open gear of a customer that was up and still turning!!
The gears are shot but very complete. The vane is good and the wheel is straight '6 section'.
My question is , I read in The Gazett that the wheels do not interchage with a WC,the WC;s
that I have have 5 section hubs but i thought there is also a 6 section. so any suggestions on how
to put the K wheel on a more modern oil bath WC or other ideas, thanks!!

Re: Monitor K

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 7:18 pm
by IvanBlock
All of these Monitor mills use the same wheel arms and sections, Model E, Model K, Hambone, AC and some early WC models had six spoke hubs. If you can find an early six spoke WC hub or an AC hub just swap it out with your five spoke hub and you're good to go. Good luck with your project...

Re: Monitor K

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 4:17 pm
by Bootsy
Thanks Ivan that really helps. Have a great NEW YEAR