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Sears and Roebuck Gas Station

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 8:12 am
by Wayne
Anybody remember a Sears Gas Station?
Sears and Roebuck Gas Station 1933 001 (2).jpg

Re: Sears and Roebuck Gas Station

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 1:20 pm
by Terrywerm
I do not remember them having any gas stations, but then again I am not old enough to remember as far back as that photo. Come to think of it, I doubt that any of our members are as old as that photo. My dad was born in 1937. I could ask him and he may or may not remember such a thing.

Re: Sears and Roebuck Gas Station

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 9:03 am
by Wayne
The date on the picture is 1933. Wonder who they bought there gas from.

Re: Sears and Roebuck Gas Station

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:42 am
by hedgerow
I grew up in the service station truck stop business my grand parents started in the gas station business in the 20's and my folks bought the business in 1960 and my mom sold out in 2000 and never heard of any one talking about Sears having any gas station's in Nebraska. I wish I would have ask more questions when I was a kid in the 60's.Wish my grand parents and parents would have taken pictures of the business and trucks as things changed over the years. My grand parents and parents always hauled there own fuel.

Re: Sears and Roebuck Gas Station

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 8:47 am
by Wayne
That picture is the first I'd seen of a Sears Gas Station. I buy an old gas station calendar every year and this was the JUly picture. It seems if the people who were in charge of Sears saw a way to make a buck they did it. Just like the mail order houses.

Re: Sears and Roebuck Gas Station

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 8:14 pm
by Kansas Rust Buzzard
Well, don't forget Allstate (Sears) had their own cars early on. In places John Deere still had gas stations in the 50s along with COOP, they even had their own gas pump globes. Here in SW Kansas State Line Gasoline was a very popular brand along with Standard Oil but other than in historic pictures I have never seen a reference to State Line anyplace. I got a photo of a horse drawn State Line bulk delivery wagon and when my dad was a kid in the 50s they were still going strong, once in a while at farm sales I see green State Line oil drums yet. Funny how a few decades can erase about everything but photos.

Re: Sears and Roebuck Gas Station

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 9:00 am
by Wayne
I guess people were struggling to survive so holding on to something old when their was something new wasn't the thing to do. Plus cities and municipalities if you had an old building setting there they wanted their tax dollars. When NCR moved out of Dayton they were going to leave the original factory building built in the 1880's or 1890's but Dayton wouldn't give them a tax brake so it is only a memory. I also believe if you go into a town with it's old building it's probably only because a developer couldn't figure out how to tear the old building down and build a new one to make a buck.

Re: Sears and Roebuck Gas Station

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 7:39 am
by hedgerow
Kansas Rust Buzzard. In my area in the 60's we had two Coops Felco and MFA and down the road from my home town we had State Line Gasoline also that would have been in NE Kansas. All three of these were competitor's of my folks. State Line Gasoline always had a edge over us as the gas tax in Kansas was always a few cents cheaper that Nebraska was. I think then in the 70's State Line Gasoline in my area became Quality Oil.