I might flip the front bushing around, if one end has a hair more wear than the other on the front bushing as the weight of the wheel is more on it than the back bushing. Overall, looks good to me and I’d clean it up to your heart’s content (oil passage, etc.) and send it.
In the photo on your chain, you’ll see the 7th chain link is rounded. That will help you when you put it all back together for the chain.
It's only a few bucks. Remember, the wheel has to have a tilt back at the top, or it will start clipping the tower. Cheap insurance. Also, I was surprised at the flex that an 8 ft Monitor wheel has on a windy day.
Call Dan Benjamin for parts. P M me for the phone number. IF YOU TALK TO HIM, AND HE HELPS YOU, THEN BUY FROM HIM. IT CREATES GOOD KARMA.