Question on Rebuilding hog nose on A702 (Ron) or anyone

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Question on Rebuilding hog nose on A702 (Ron) or anyone

Post by Pb57 »

I welded up the wear area on the hog nose of the gear box and used a sized bushing as a guide as suggested by Ron Stauffer. (see pics) I had seen this done on a post on here. My question is why is it necessary to rebuild this back up to original size. The only thing I can think of is when the babbit bearings get so worn inside the box this may allow the cast hub to wear onto the hog nose. The babbits would have to be worn to nothing to let this happen I would think. Is there any other reason this should be done? Also I cut the line across the top of the area I built up as suggested by Ron. What is the purpose for cutting this out? Oil deflector maybe? Thanks Paul
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Ron Stauffer
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Re: Question on Rebuilding hog nose on A702 (Ron) or anyone

Post by Ron Stauffer »

Since Aermotors have no seals, they rely on tolerances to keep the oil inside the case. The oil return from the snout is small and fixed and the oil feed from the spout washer varies with the RPM. I have been told by rebuilders that do it full time that the oil cavity in the hub can completely fill under the right circumstances. So a tight tolerance between the snout ring and the mating lip inside the hub is necessary. Since the snout bearing only wears on the bottom, the snout ring only wears on top. The fit needed between the hub ring and the snout ring can be visualized much easier on the newer spool style hub. Wear on the snout ring is elliptical, the most on the top. Oil leakage on the hub is very messy as the fan will sling this oil.

The snout bearing has approx 3/16" of babbit material and an 1/8" of bearing wear calls for a rebuild. Most mills have seen this amount of wear some time in their life. Earlier snouts had a casting where the ring around the collector was separate from the snout ring. Later snout castings connected the ring around the collector to the snout ring. The snout ring wears and the oil collector ring doesn't. Once the collector ring fills and the snout ring wears, the oil has a direct path outside. Cutting the groove interrupts the undesired flow of the oil toward the outside

Oil bath mills basically just circulate oil without being under pressure and caked on crud can help keep a used worn mill from leaking. Clean it up and then it can really leak with nice clean light 10w oil...

It is also common for a rebuilt motor to leak around the mast pipe afterward. Used masts are all worn to some degree and also the ID of the motor swivel wears. Installing a new mast pipe and greasing the stem before setting the head seems to cure this

Paul, I would be interested in time estimates for line boring and bushing the tail pin holes? We repair tail pin holes with Ni 99 rod and a good burr in a die grinder. It takes experience and technique to do a good job and is still a challenge. There is a 3pt tractor bushing that is the right size that is already made.

I don't think anyone relayed that all the tail pin wear is to the outside of the case on the top hole and next to the case on the bottom hole? There is no wear on the hole in the other direction. The weight of the tail assembly causes the wear in this pattern. Line boring the center of ellipse would alter the position of the buffer assembly which supplies pressure to the tail pin

You are not far from Dakota Windmill and Muller Industries, Aermotor windmill rebuilders. They use Sioux City foundry for castings

Ron Stauffer
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Re: Question on Rebuilding hog nose on A702 (Ron) or anyone

Post by Pb57 »

Hey Ron thanks for the in-depth reply. You are very helpful. I probably have almost 3 hours in my tail pin bushing repair. I'm sure the second one I do will go faster however. Probably 2 hours. Thank you sir.
Ron Stauffer
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Re: Question on Rebuilding hog nose on A702 (Ron) or anyone

Post by Ron Stauffer »

PS a two fister screwdriver in the hands of an ex dairy farmer can loosen almost anything...gotta be 40+ years old...I still have a couple somewhere

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Re: Question on Rebuilding hog nose on A702 (Ron) or anyone

Post by windybob »

Ron, the company used to be called Central Machine Co. They changed hands in the 80's.
Call Dan Benjamin for parts. P M me for the phone number. IF YOU TALK TO HIM, AND HE HELPS YOU, THEN BUY FROM HIM. IT CREATES GOOD KARMA.
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Re: Question on Rebuilding hog nose on A702 (Ron) or anyone

Post by JBarker »


What size bushing guide can I use on a B702 to weld up the snout dust rib (hog nose)? Thanks

Jerry Wade Barker
Wills Point, Texas
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