Mountain Men TV reality show. windmill build, sort of.......

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Old windy one
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Mountain Men TV reality show. windmill build, sort of.......

Post by Old windy one »

So I watch the the other night and these two guys come up with a Aermotor that fell down. I guess a neighbor gave it too them. So they bring it out to a remote cabin where they want to put it up to generate some power. Well long story short they sort of butchered it up some and then the motor falls off the tower. They put it back up and I really don't think they even put any oil in it! It is still all bent up and they don't even care!

So to be continued to the next show it is working in a really big wind. I may be behind a show but man I hate to see it hacked up like that. Just wondered what others thought of this if you saw it.
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Re: Mountain Men TV reality show. windmill build, sort of.......

Post by windybob »

Didn't see it. What a comedy of errors.
Call Dan Benjamin for parts. P M me for the phone number. IF YOU TALK TO HIM, AND HE HELPS YOU, THEN BUY FROM HIM. IT CREATES GOOD KARMA.
Old windy one
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Re: Mountain Men TV reality show. windmill build, sort of.......

Post by Old windy one »

So on the next show it appears they got it back up and running but likely not for long with no oil, pretty beat up. Half of each fan blade are broken off, what a cluster.
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Re: Mountain Men TV reality show. windmill build, sort of.......

Post by windybob »

Call Dan Benjamin for parts. P M me for the phone number. IF YOU TALK TO HIM, AND HE HELPS YOU, THEN BUY FROM HIM. IT CREATES GOOD KARMA.
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