I've always liked windmills; it seemed like such a smart way to go, having no utility bills to pay: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/_5zZ0FZd5mkI/ ... %23326.jpg
Some windmills in Europe had bottom stories underground, with tower rising above, creating an earth-sheltered wind-powered home! What's not to like? https://www.belgium-mapped-out.com/imag ... emolen.jpg
Interesting when windmills combined with water mills. Makes sense, when winds are strongest in winter time, & that's when water's frozen-over/least available: https://hiveminer.com/Tags/m%C3%BChleni ... ,watermill
I'm especially fond of "basket type" windmills, and the notion of such a multi-function windmill being able to multitask: http://www.hardenfoundation.org/wind-en ... ebcam.html
New here, long-time windmill interest
Re: New here, long-time windmill interest
The Haden windmill is one of best stories in the Windmill restoration world.
Re: New here, long-time windmill interest
Welcome to the forum. You posted some neat links. Thanks.