A702 Oil Collector Position

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A702 Oil Collector Position

Post by Pb57 »

I put my oil collector in just to test fit it and I see that it doesn't screw in below the bottom of the guide for the babbit bearing assembly. There is no way this is going to make contact with the shaft when it comes time to set/seat it to the shaft when I spin the wheel. (as described in the assembly instructions) There is also a small tit on the bottom of the oil collector the I assume was from when they parted it on the lathe and shouldn't be like this.
Im thinking the bottom of the oil collector is supposed to be set to rub against the main shaft when spinning. There is no way it will go in far enough unless I am missing something. Paul
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Ron Stauffer
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Re: A702 Oil Collector Position

Post by Ron Stauffer »

Think about it, if the oil collector would tighten against the shaft then the shaft wouldn't turn... The oil collector just tightens in the socket, that piece inside at the snout bearing slides past. The height of the oil collector is not seated until the very last thing after all assembly is done. Different parts suppliers have different height oil collectors. Some collectors will protrude up high in the threaded opening of the plug. Some people Rock The hub back and forth to crimp down the additional height of the collector. I like to grind The collector down so that it just is touching the inside of the hub. Of course you have to take the collector out to do this and eyeball how much you have to take off.

Clean up with a file around the snout bushing Babbitt where it slides through the collector socket. Often there is babbitt in the way and it isn't very heavy and will break

Ron Stauffer
Montrose Co
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